
Blog 3 - Spirited away

Blog 3 - Spirited away For my third blog I chose the movie spirited away the movie was created in 2001 its a Japanese animation fantasy film. Witch was written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki, the idea behind this film was based off of a true story, how Hayao Miyazaki had a little cabin in the mountains and how hed go there on vacation with his family and five other girls whom were friends of the family. Hayao came up with the idea when he wanted to create a movie for him and his friends.  The movie is filled with unrealistic creatures and monsters and the whole movie is based off of the underworld that ten year old, Chihiro Ogino found going on a drive with her parents Akio Ogino and Yuuko Ogino they eventually stopped at a mysterious tunnel in the middle of nowhere on the other side layed a gaost town thé was no one around, but after walking a while the parents smelled something yummy and they were hungry after all that driving. They follow the smell and it leads them to a huge buffet

Blog 2 - Coraline

  Blog 2 - Coraline To start, for my second blog i chose to stick ith the animated films i chase the movie Coraline, this type of film is a stop motion animated dark fantasy horror film, this movie is written and directed by Herny Selick and the film was based off of Neil gaiman’s novella that has the same name as this film. Yet, Colaline was released february 6th in 2009, and they are in the making of Colaline two at the moment and will be released soon this Halloween on October 31st, 2023. However, the movie is one hour and forty minutes long. For instance, the movie starts off with an eleven year old little girl named Coraline Jones who is the main character in this horror fantasy movie, that has to move into an old beaten up apartment in an old spooky house with her parents, although Colaline don't want to move at first she suddenly caught interest in the new/old house with its dusty walls and mysterious trap doors. Coraline has a best friend named Wybie Lovat sort for Wyborn,

Blog 4 - Midsommar

  blog - 4 Midsommar Ari Aster is an American film director, producer and also screenplay writer. Ari is very known for creating, writing and producing horror films, althought the person that came up with all of the ideas for the movie midsommar is Albert Brooks. The movie midsommar and all of the thought that went into it actually based off of a real-life Swedish festival, however the festival wasnt associated with all the violent and cult activities that had occurred in the movie. Ari created countless horror movies that you may already know and that are very popular, like Herediatry that came out the 8 of june 2018 and soon he is going to come back with a new movie (Beau is Afraid). Ari Aster was born july 15th, 1986, he was also born into a jewish family, Ari was raised as the son of a famous poet as a mother and great musisian as a father. Midsommar is a horror film but it also enters in the genera of thriller and mystery, and maybe for some people it might even be disturbing or u

Blog 1 - Frankenwennie

Frankenwennie             My blog is going to be about a movie that I found was very interesting and moving, I really enjoyed how it was produced. The movie is based off of a true story about Tim Burton's little dog, he was a fluffy white mutt named Pepe he also had another dog named gray dog ​​Frosty. The movie Frankenwennie was inspired by the live action version for Disney that Tim Burton released in 1984. The way that this film as created to me is very interesting with the black and white colors, some very talented artists were actually able to convert the drawings of Tim Burton himself into three dimensional sculptures, witch then they added silicone in the cast, and all of their tiny clothes were sewn by miniature stitches to keep them intact and sturdy. The movie starts off with a little boy who's name is Frankenstein he is a nerd for science and an outsider when he comes to school, his parents and a dog that is a bull terrier, one day his dog traumatically gets hit by a